Jan 2025: Excited to share my work on a Multi-Species Fungal Language Model that improves ChIP-exo and RNA-Seq coverage predictions in JHU joint lab meeting. Check my video, slides.
Teaching assistant for the course Cornerstone EECS Design and Implementation (EE-1006)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1900
EE-1006 is the cornerstone course for Electrical Engineering undergraduates. As a teaching assistant, I designed teaching materials, wrote and maintained final project, and developed scoring program for the final project contest. In the TA teams, I was the lead developer of the scavenger-hunting car final projects.
Demo video shows one of the functions of the car - self-tracking. In this practice, students need to implement P, PI, and PID control.Demo video shows one of the functions of the car - scavenger-hunting. This is the final project of EE-1006 course. In the project, students need to make their cars be able to self-track, write python program to plan the best route, control RFID sensor to get scores at the dead ends, build the stable communication between Arduinos and their computers, and try to get as many RFID scores as they can in a limited period of time. I was responsible for designing the map, writing final project code, and developing the final project scoring server.