TB-NGS: Mycobacterium tuberculosis Next-generation sequencing analysis web server deployment

   January 01, 2019 - June 01, 2020

   Taipei, Taiwan

   Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core Lab, Center of Genomic and Precision Medicine, National Taiwan University

   Website / Database


     Eric Y. Chuang       Tzu-pin Lu  


I am developing a website for Mycobacterium tuberculosis sequence analysis. It includes a reference-based sequence assembly pipelines. The back-end of the website is written in Python Django, snakemake and Celery task distributor.

The main reference-based workflow of TB-NGS.

  Demo video

The video below shows the analysis steps of TB-NGS. The website is still under construction.

  Screenshots of analysis steps

The project starting page of TB-NGS.
The file uploading page of TB-NGS.
The data analysis status page of TB-NGS.
The data analysis results page of TB-NGS.
