Robert Lanfear

I worked as a research assistant at professor Robert Lanfear’s Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics Lab during my exchange at the Australian National University (September, 2019 - June, 2020). My first project is to rewrite an R package, sangeranalyseR, that Rob wrote few years ago. I changed the R package into object oriented version, added shiny applications, and uploaded it to Bioconductor. The second project is using machine learning to estimate phylogenetic trees from DNA sequence data.
sangeranalyseR: simple and interactive processing of Sanger sequencing data in R
Kuan-Hao Chao*, K. Barton, S. Palmer, and R. Lanfear* (2021). sangeranalyseR: simple and interactive processing of Sanger sequencing data in R, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2021, evab028,
[Bioc 2021] Bioconductor Conference 2021
Poster at Bioconductor Conference 2021 (Bioc 2021), Virtual