My paper in G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics describes the first gap-free assembly of a Han Chinese human, Han1. See the paper here
{time: “Nov, 2022”, story: “I present Han1 at 2022 Biological Data Science! Here is the link to the poster and the video to my 1-min lightening talk.” }
{time: “Oct, 2022”, story: “We are releasing WGT, the first Wheeler Graph suite with the fastest recognition algorithm. It’s on bioRxiv now!” }
{time: “Aug, 2022”, story: “We are releasing Han1, the first gapless, fully annotated Chinese Han genome. Check it out on bioRxiv!” }
# - {time: “Dec, 2021”, story: “VaccineDynamic website beta version is available online. Check it out!” }
{time: “Oct, 2021”, story: “sangeranalyseR and RNASeqR are released on Bioconductor 3.14.” }
{time: “Sep, 2021”, story: “I join Dr. Steven Salzberg’s and Dr. Mihaela Pertea’s lab as a CS Ph.D. student at JHU.” }
{time: “Aug, 2021”, story: “sangeranalyseR is awarded the Best Poster at Bioc2021 »Poster« .” }
{time: “June, 2021”, story: “Play my Unity games!” }
{time: “Mar, 2021”, story: “sangeranalyseR is published on Genome Biology and Evolution.” }